Ooh la la.... This French inspired chaise lounge was recently recovered in #keylargo frost by @warwickfabrics
Originally covered in a salmon-pink velvet, the new fabric and double-piping definitely modernise the look and give it a contemporary feel!
#chaiselounge #diamondbuttoning #heretohelpdecorate #frenchfurniture #whitewashfurniture #karlsupholstery #doublepiping
These 1950’s Wrightbilt TV chairs have turned out beautifully in #islingtonnatural by @warwickfabrics
With refreshed timber frames and new foam inserts, these chairs will be enjoyed for many years to come!
#1950s #armchairs #heretohelpdecorate #wrightbiltfurniture #retrofurniture #vintage #midcenturymodern #karlsupholstery
Diamonds, diamonds and more diamonds! 💎 These two antique Grandmother chairs have been recovered in Ashley Wilde Fabrics... Morgan Indigo, Tweed Danube and Perth Sky
from @ashleywildegroup distributed by @wortleygroup
#grandmotherchair #diamondbutton #antiques #antiquefurniturerestoration #antiquefurniture
Grandfather chair gets a beautiful makeover in @linwood_fabric by @wortleygroup Traditional Diamond buttoning with a double piping finish gives the chair a more contemporary look.
#linwoodfabrics #wortleyfabrics #grandfatherchair #diamondbutton #antiquefurniture #antiques #antiquerestoration
We recently restored these beautiful hand carved timber arm chairs.
They are over 120 years old and have been covered in #eastbornetan by @warwickfabrics #heretohelpdecorate
CHECK out the pattern matching.
This Freedom Furniture Wingback which has been recovered in @warwickfabrics in #arlingtononyx fabric. .
#heretohelpdecorate #warwickfabrics #freedomfurniture #antiquefurniture #furniturerestoration #wingback #plaid #patternmatch
Spectacular Tub Chair. From boring yellow velvet to a very modern looking velvet. The client wanted to make it a show piece. Aidan one of our tradesmen has done a great job in repairing the spring base and recovering this beautiful Tub. Needless to say the customer was very happy with the end result. Covered in #warwickfabrics Kaleido Petrol from The #kaleidoscopecollection #tubchairs #artdecofurniture #furniturerestoration #shagadelic #antiquefurniture
This T8 Stockholm lounge suite by Tessa has been fully restored to its original glory.
We used Tasman Matisse Chalk leather by @wortleygroup
Client was ecstatic with end result.
#tessafurniture #retrofurniture #t8 #vintage #stockholmarmchair #tasmanleathergroup #armchair #swedishfurniture
Two beautiful old Queen Anne lounge chairs get a new lease of life at Karl’s.
#warwickfabrics #Evelynshiraz #antiquerestoration #queenannestyle #furniturerestoration #antique #attentiontodetail #patternmatching
Holy Cow it’s nice to see clients with a bit of flair. Antique Chaise restored in Warwick fabrics, Cowgrain col Milk.
#Warwick fabrics #cowhide #chaiselounge #furniture #mastercraftsmen #antiquefurniture #restoration #vintage